Let us explain some of the words we use that you might not be familiar with:

  • Bursary a grant that does not have to be repaid. 
  • Campus - the collection of buildings and grounds on which a college / university is located.
  • Conditional offer - requirements needed to gain a place on a course.
  • Curriculum areas - the different internal areas / departments in which courses are grouped.
  • Enrolment - the process before the start of term to officially register as a student on a course.
  • Entry requirements - the qualifications, skills and knowledge required to successfully complete the course.
  • EPQ - Extended Project Qualification; an independent research project, studied alongside A-Levels, to expand knowledge and develop transferable skills for university and employment.
  • FE - Further education; post-16 qualifications up to Level 3.
  • HE - Higher education; qualifications at Level 4 and above.
  • IAG - Information, Advice and Guidance.
  • Learner agreement - a document of expectations that is signed by the student.
  • Lecturer - a teacher in college / university.
  • Prospectus - a college / university course information guide.
  • Russell Group Universities - a group of 24 prestigious universities.
  • T Level placements - extended industry placements that last at least 45 days.
  • UCAS - Universities and Colleges Admission Service, an organisation that processes full-time higher education applications.
  • UCAS Tarriff Points - the UCAS tarriff is used to allocatepoints to post-16 qualifications.
  • Unconditional offer- a place on a course without any requirements needed.
  • Undergraduate - a first degree such as a Bachelor's / a university student who has not yet undertaaken a first degree.
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