Develop your skills or try something completely new!
Are you 19 or over and looking for a brand-new career? Our Skills Bootcamp in Digital is a new set of digital training courses designed to help students build sector specific skills and fast track to an interview with Sunderland Software City on successful completion.
You can retrain for a brand-new career and the best part is, you don't have to have expert knowledge just an understanding of the subject area!
Alongside partners in the North East, we are delivering three short courses to help build your digital skills as part of the Government's Plan for Jobs and National Skills Fund.
Training will take place across our college group and via our partner organisations at the following locations:
Hartlepool Sixth Form: Level 3 Digital Marketing
Sunderland College: Level 3 Cyber Security and Networking / Level 3 Digital Marketing / Level 3 Data Analysis and Analytics for Business
Northumberland College: Level 3 Cyber Security and Networking / Level 3 Digital Marketing
Our partners are also delivering the following courses:
Gateshead College: Level 3 Web Design and Development / Level 4 Building Information Modeling (BIM) / Level 4 Data Engineering and Analytical Tools
New College Durham: Level 5 Cyber Security and Networking
Tyne Coast College: Level 3 Augmented Reality and Emerging Technologies / Level 3 IT Support
Baltic Apprenticeships: Level 3 Data Skills Accelerator
Head over to the Skills Bootcamp in Digital homepage to find full details of all courses that are available. To apply, simply click the drop down boxes of the courses you're interested in studying and complete the enquiry form.
You can apply to study a course delivered by any of the providers across the North East.
The courses are offered at intermediate level (level 3). Students will need to have a good level of digital skills already.
The training is free if you are aged over 19 years, working, recently unemployed within the last 12 months or looking for work e.g. coming back into the workforce after a career break and a resident in the UK and legally entitled to work in the UK.
The courses will last a duration of 6 to10 weeks.