Safeguarding is designed to protecting vulnerable children, young people and adults from harm and abuse.

  1. Protecting from abuse and neglect
  2. Promoting the health and wellbeing of students, staff and visitors
  3. Ensuring safety and care
  4. Preventing discrimination and harassment

Prevent is safeguarding from the threat of terrorism. Colleges have an important role to play in preventing vulnerable people from being involved in radicalisation.

We have developed a framework with a series of processes that will support a positive outcome and create and maintain a safe learning environment. We have a designated safeguarding lead and a team of expert staff that respond to any concerns. All staff working with students also receive up-to-date safeguarding and prevent training.

If you have any concerns for your own safety and welfare, or the safety and welfare of another student, see your Personal Tutor immediately or one of the Safeguarding team.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

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